MAC | Top makeup looks of AFW 2024

As Amsterdam Fashion Week 2024 comes to a close, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the artistry and innovation that graced the runway. Over four days of fashion-forward celebration, the official makeup partner of AFW, MAC, played a pivotal role in bringing the designers’ visions to life. In this article, MAC shares its top makeup looks from the week, showcasing the creativity and skill that defined this year’s event. Join us as we explore the standout makeup looks that captured the essence of Amsterdam Fashion Week 2024.


MARTAN – Every cloud has a silver lining
Lead: Hannah Rosie Bennett
Product highlights: Studio Radiance concealer, Dazzleshadow liquid in Stars in my eyes, Retro matte liquid lipstick in High drama

Hannah: “The delicate silver accent is inspired by the silver beams on the edges of clouds as the sunlight breaks through a stormy sky. The Dark aubergine lip is inspired by the mystery at the bottom of the ocean, and the plum colours in the collection.”

Atelier Reservé powered by Fresh ‘n Rebel – Quiet Grunge
Lead: Hannah Rosie Bennett
Product highlights: Connect in colour palette in hi fi colour –  shades White Frost and Carbon, M.A.CStack Mascara, Lip pencil in Stone

Hannah: “Taking inspiration from the bleached marking on clothes, chalky matte white highlights are the thread connecting these makeup looks. The look is inspired by the white light of the camera flash.”

Johnny Blood – Club Kids
Lead: Laura Barends
Product highlights: Studio Radiance concealer, Lipglass clear, Blacktrack liner

Laura: “This look is inspired by sweaty nights dancing in De School. Each model obtained different character, flashes of red and black liner or a sweaty glow.”

Images by Sareime Nortan via YOUNG / The Agency


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