Reconstruct presents new collection RÊVE in Paris

Dutch designer collective Reconstruct is on its way to Paris for the showcase of its new collection RÊVE. On Thursday the 22nd of June, at a location that’s yet to be announced, the queens of upcycling will transport their audience to a Reconstruct dreamworld.

With RÊVE, which translates to ‘dream’, the collective will take the audience into a world full of fairy tales and fantasies with dreamy ruffles and delicate lace. Simultanuously, RÊVE subtly hints tot the word ‘rave’, as the collection seamlessly intertwines with raw leather and metal.

In collaboration with Rotterdam-based Fresh ‘n Rebel, Reconstruct will set up a pop-up shop with their newest collection on display, which will be available to purchase on the spot. Each piece is a one-off creation and entirely made of deadstock material. Next to the collection showcase, welcome drinks will be served and sound waves will be provided by DJ EGNA.

If you would like to RSVP for the show, you can rsvp via email.

Show: 3.30PM – 5 Rue Sainte-Anastase, 75003 Paris, France
Pop-up shop: 7PM-10PM – 5 Rue Sainte-Anastase, 75003 Paris, France

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