Wild Animals | A roaring success at Amsterdam Fashion Week

Celebrating his new space in the creative heart of Amsterdam Noord, Amsterdam-based artist Rop van Mierlo drew fashion enthusiasts, industry insiders, and art aficionados alike to Mokerstraat 28, all eager to witness the latest from his enigmatic label Wild Animals. Wild Animals has so far been a label shrouded in mystery. Since its inception in 2020, the brand has remained relatively silent, opting to let its work speak for itself rather than engaging heavily with the press. This approach has only heightened the intrigue surrounding the label, making the event a key highlight of this edition’s Amsterdam Fashion Week.

Upon entering the newly unveiled Wild Animals studio, guests were immediately immersed in a world where art meets fashion in the most unexpected ways. The space itself, reflective of the brand’s ethos, was a carefully curated blend of minimalism and wild, untamed creativity. Van Mierlo’s signature wet-on-wet animal paintings, which first brought him widespread acclaim, adorned the walls, setting the tone for an experience that bridged the gap between art and design.

The presentation featured an overview of the products Wild Animals has developed since its quiet launch. From knitwear that seemed to capture the very essence of van Mierlo’s paintings to luxurious rugs, playful pyjamas, and one of my personal favourite artworks, featuring a unicorn in vibrant colours he borrowed from his daughter’s bedroom to exhibit. His most recent work: “Six Year Old Girl Riding a Dolphin Leaping Out of the Sea” was granted a private room in the white open space. Visitors were also treated to a glimpse of the various collaborations that have marked Wild Animals’ journey, including partnerships with the likes of Marni, Hermès, H&M, Moncler, Kitsune, A24, Head Porter, Sandro, and La Bouche Rouge.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the event was the way it communicated van Mierlo’s fascination with the human need to control nature. The collection felt both wild and controlled, a harmonious clash that left a lasting impression on all who attended. It’s this tension—between the natural and the human-made, the controlled and the uncontrollable—that lies at the heart of Wild Animals. The event not only showcased the incredible range of products Wild Animals has developed but also provided insight into the philosophy driving the brand forward.

Image by Sareime Nortan via YOUNG / The Agency

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